Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh How Times Change...

And those changes were portrayed in the lesson Group 2 taught us last week. The face of media as we know it it changing so rapidly that our generation is sitting directly in the middle of it and can barely keep up. The Youtube video that started the lesson was the most awesome and scary thing I've ever seen. The effect media has in our everyday lives was put into numbers-- numbers that alarmed me. For example, one of the facts from the video clips said was that "If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world." Goodness Gracious. Facebook has more members than the United States does people. I would never in a million years have guessed that.

But back to the lesson, it was pretty good. The content didn't seem to follow the reading exactly, which was fine. I was glad to see that Group 2 found a way to make the lesson their own. The lesson definitely lacked class participation at some points, leaving me lulling (especially since this class is right after practice). I was glad when we began to be a part of the lesson and give our input, because that is when I feel like I am getting the most of what I am learning. Also, I loved the handout we got right at the end. It is definitely something I will keep because the information is useful and even a little inspirational so I don't forget why I'm doing what I'm doing.

All in all it was a good lesson that effectively conveyed the extent of the media effects in our lives.

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