Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Tweet It Please

Before we left class last week, Professor Campbell asked us where we get our news from. I thought about it and realized most of what I consider news comes from Twitter. This is fairly ironic because I was skeptical to start a twitter account in the first place, but a year later I'm pretty much addicted to it.

I love it for three reasons. The first is that I can choose to follow whoever and whatever I want; from friends back home to celebrities and even news organizations and BYU. Its how I figure out whats going on on campus, or back home or even across the world. Many journalists have their own twitter accounts and following them gives you updates on what is happening in the world.

Another reason why I love it so much is because everyone I follow has relevance to ME. I follow the Jets because they are MY favorite football team, I follow BYU because its where I go to school, I follow Pete Wentz because I love his music (and his face lol); and the list goes on and on. But the most important part is that I follow who I want to because I want to.

Another good thing about twitter is that everyone else is tweeting whats important to them, so I can get information about sources that I do not directly follow. For example, a good friend of mine follows ABC News and retweets them often, giving me the option to delve deeper into what she tweets if I choose to. And should I choose not to, that's fine to. Its the most personalized news source I've got and I love it!

So if you have something of relevance to my life, do me a favor and just tweet it please.

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