Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fair && Balanced? Rightttttttt

If I had to choose, I would love for the United States to take the Democratic Corporatist approach...ASAP. I mean, for all intents and purposes, we already have. It would be a lot easier if news corporations came out and admitted what everyone already knows, because personally I think they are insulting the intelligence of the Unites States population by telling us they're reporting objectively when they are not. Please don't misunderstand; I know that human beings are naturally bias, and consequently, what they report will have a slight bias. My problem is when that bias becomes more than slight, but I am still being told that what is being reported is objective. That is lying; and I do not appreciate being lied to. The bigger problem is that we seem to have more claimed objectivity than actually objectivity these days, making it harder figure out who I should believe.

Journalists first obligation is to the truth; but as we talked about in class, truth is different to everyone. It seems a journalist can only report what they know to be the truth about a situation. But life is not like math where 1 +1 always equals 2. We do not all exist in the same reality, and people will read, watch and listen to someone who resides in the reality closest to their own. Why not just let them know what reality that is and save them the time and trouble?

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point, but wouldn't the act of declaring a reality be just as dishonest as denying any differing realities exist? We can try to establish the reality we choose to reside in, but this establishment will naturally be different for each person and therefore declaration is moot. I agree that there is no way for all of us to exist in the same reality; however, trying to label the differing realities (which are not uniform across all issues) will just bring us further from finding a foundation for reality. If we continue to strive for objectivity we will never actually get there, but we will get closer and closer to this alleged reality.
